- Astronomy Picture of the Day
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- MLB Trade Rumors - Phillies
- The Good Phight - Phillies baseball blog
- The Good Phight - Youtube
- Jomboy Media - Youtube Sports Comentary
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- Weather Underground Radar Map
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- NOAA GOES-East CONUS True color Day/IR Night loop
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- EPA Air Quality Map
- Travel Advisories - State.gov
- James Webb Space Telescope News
- Astrum - Astronomy Youtuber
- Paul Soares Jr. - Gaming Youtuber
- MumboJumbo - Youtuber
- The Dutch Actuary - Youtuber
- LifesAGlitchTV - Technical Alpha Podcast
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- PowerfulJRE - Joe Rogan Clips - Youtube
- Nando v Movies - Youtube Movie Changes
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- xkcd
- Dilbert
- History Buffs - Youtube Entertainment Essays
- EmpLemon - Youtube Video Creator
- LEMMiNO - Youtube Video Creator
- Emergency Awesome - Youtube Geek Entertainment News
- Nikki & Steven React - Youtube Reaction Channel
- Popcorn In Bed - Youtube Reaction Channel
- Natalie Gold - Youtube Reaction Channel
- Millennial Movie Monday - Youtube Reaction Channel
- Geeks are Sexy - Geek News and Shopping
- In Deep Geek - Youtube Fantasy Essays
- Fail Blog
- Mental Floss
- Primitive Technology - Youtube